Shipping Information

We deliver to all areas across KSA (this may vary according to the current situation. Please check our website for delivery updates).

The moment you complete your purchase, your delivery will be processed. We will send you a confirmation email to the email address you have provided, which includes the goods you have ordered and their cost.

Delivery Options:

Home Delivery – processed and shipped between 2 to 6 business days excluding Fridays & public holidays. Delivery cost is SAR 35, or Free delivery on orders above SAR 150.

Safety Measures

Considering current circumstances, we are taking every measure to ensure the safety of our customers & employees. We have imposed strict hygiene and sanitation protocols at every step of the order & delivery process that put safety first. The precautionary measures include:
We will always continue to uphold all measures to offer you the best shopping experience from the safety and comfort of your home.
Please note that due to current government regulations, our Click & Collect service is unavailable. We offer home delivery and extended returns policies for your convenience, for more information, visit our returns & refunds page.

Home Delivery

Standard delivery (processed and shipped within 2 - 6 business days to the main cities excluding Fridays & public holidays).

Cash on Delivery

For your safety, we are not accepting Cash on Delivery now.

Click & Collect

Click & Collect is currently unavailable.